Sunday, February 24, 2013

I am trying . . .

I have ALWAYS tried to be that supportive wife but lately I have been having a hard time with that!  Decisions have to be made for our future . . for our family and as hard as some of the decisions are, all I can do is pray and be supportive of my husbands decisions for US!  It took a LOT of tears and questions but I get it (kinda) that he will do anything and everything for our family and that makes me fall in love with him even more.  A true relationship is based on trust and I am so very thankful for that and for him.  I may not be the best at showing him or telling him how much I love him but I am making more of an effort.  Clean clothes and a clean house means I am doing my job but in a man's eyes, some need more!

I will try HARDER!

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