Saturday, October 31, 2009

Iraqi Kids Day!

When Christopher first arrived at his deployment, he wrote home and asked me to send him some things for the children there so he could participate in "Iraqi Kids Day". I packed 2 boxes full of bubbles, race cars, ponytail holders, wrist watch games, stickers, barbie dolls and lots and lots of hand sanitizer and whatever else I could find for them. Even though he didn't get much sleep before his day with the kids, it looks like he had a good time AND it seems that I may have some competition on my hands with the little one in the yellow shirt, looks like she has a crush but I can't blame her, he is pretty awesome!

"The Look"

He is having fun . . . Really, HE IS!

I miss this man sooooooooo much!
She even got to wear his glasses!!!
Thanks for being so amazing!


Travis,Stephanie, Olivia & Alex said...

thats is awesome !
what a neat program to have, interaction with the kids, they need to see that from soliders. i can imagine at times it can be very scary.
thumbs up brother :)

Charity said...

That's really cool that they do that! I bet we won't hear about "Iraqi Kids Day" on the news.