Just wanted to take a second to update everyone on how Isabell is doing and what's been going on in our household. Yesterday Christopher and I had yet another ultrasound to check out the baby and we happened to get the amazing doctor that we started with 11 weeks ago AND the same amazing ultrasound technician so they knew what to look for and how to measure correctly. The ultrasound tech couldn't really say much other than "You must have been saying lots of prayers" and our doctor smiled and said congratulations. Throughout her scan she was doing her practice breathing the ENTIRE time, which doesn't usually happen at this stage and was moving her lips. I think she was telling her Daddy that she loves him since he hasn't been able to see her in 2 weeks. They did a biophysical profile which consisted of them watching her movement, tone, respirations and size and she scored a 8/8! This is the big news:
Her report reads:
The mass was so small that they couldn't even measure it! THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS, please continue to keep our family in your daily prayers.
Christopher - the days are getting closer and closer for his departure and I'm not excited or ready for him to go but now that things are looking better for baby girl, I feel at peace with him leaving us. I know that God is in complete control of each and every situation so I will continue to let him lead us as he see's fit. In less than a week I will watch my husband board a plane with my other fellow team members and will do my best to keep things all put together here for the next 6-7 months. I have to focus on keeping the stress levels as low as possible so things don't effect Isabell as she is my #1. We have so much help from friends and family that I'm not really worried about the little things, it's the giving birth and first bath that scare me to death! As soon as we have contact information for Christopher, I will surely pass along the information because I know that he would love to hear from you throughout his time away from home. Once again, I would like to say thank you for all that have prayed for us, miracles are happening!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise him all creatures here below
Praise him above ye heavenly host
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
AWESOME! I am so happy and in tears for you guys! Prayers do work and we will continue to pray! She will be with you soon and I'm sure you can't wait to hold your little girl. You will be such a great mom Kim!
Love it! I've been praying. (friend of stephs)
I must say this is the first time I have seen boots on during an ultra sound! I am so happy for you guys!
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