Friday, September 19, 2008

The Migraines have returned!

I spent all day yesterday, sick as a dog! After throwing up for over 12 hours, I knew it was time to head to the emergency room, once again. I HAD them under control but my neurologist took me off all of my medication due to the fact that all of them can cause severe mental retardation if I was to get pregnant and that wasn't something to even second guess. It was hard going off them because I knew at some point I would have to deal with what happened yesterday. The lights made me throw up and I think I could hear car doors closing about a mile away. Chris put a cold washcloth on my head and tucked me into bed (I was actually laying in the fetal position on the floor) and headed off to work. I have been able to shake them off before, but not this time. After I fell in the hallway from being so stinkin dizzy, I knew I needed some help. My boss (SR) came and picked me up and took me to the emergency room which was filled with crying babies, loud voices and could even hear people chewing their gum! I was getting really annoyed but then they took me to the back and gave me an iv. They had to run some tests and gave me the smallest doses of what I could have and just laid there for hours. When it finally started getting better, Chuck, Katie and SR made sure I was safe at home, then my husband came in the driveway. I know without a doubt in my mind that he loves me and would do anything and everything he can for me and when these migraines come . . he tries everything to fix me. I am going to head to work today even though I feel like I have been hit by a truck. I'm also going to schedule more appointments with my OB/GYN and Neurologist and get back on the cycle of fixing myself.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

You need to look into some yoga or something for relaxing. It would be interesting to see if it would work. Have you been stressed out or not getting enough sleep. They had it on the Today show about what causes migraines. Being hydrated, stress, lack of sleep, not eating right. Look it up on their website. It was on this week. Love you, I hope you get thru this.