Sunday, May 6, 2012

Daddy's Day Off!

We ALL enjoy the days when Christopher doesn't have to work!  Starting the day out with warm snuggles is always nice!
We decided to go to Partridge Creek for a few hours to find Isabell some new shoes and catch a bite to eat!  They have a great play area there and we had to walk past it to get to the stores but told Isabell if she ate a good dinner, we could play when we were done!  She ate soooo much and was such a good girl.  We don't go out often and when we do I get a little scared because I don't like being "that Mom" having her toddler act up in public.
Burning off some energy in the play area! 
We love spending time together and now that the weather is nice, we will be outside all of the time!  Daddy is back to work for the weekend but we have a fun filled week ahead as it is not only our Anniversary but Daddy's Birthday too!

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