Knocked to the floor today with a migraine so I sit here in my dark room, with just 1 eye open because I know many have been waiting for this update! We went for another ultrasound today and because Miss Isabell is right in position, we could see her face . .
FINALLY! I was laughing so hard with Tonna because of the size of her cheeks and her lips, she's not going to be our tiny 6 pound baby! Everything looks great, heart, lungs, fluid so that makes me feel at peace with her arrival. She has been given permission by everyone to enter this world so the clock will continue to tick. We go back in the morning for a check up with our OB/midwife to see if we are making any progress so will keep the updates rolling. Thank you all for your continued support and prayers!
She was reminding us that she
IS #1

Look at those cheeks . . Mommy says I am going to look like my Daddy!

Check out my lips! I was smacking them and practicing blowing lots of kisses to Daddy!

FAVORITE Doctor! He will surely be missed since this is probably the last time we'll see him until he comes to hold her
(you hear that Dr. H . . . don't make us hunt you down)
No I think she is telling us one more day, from yesterday.!!!!!
yay it will be soon!
praying for you and checking in regularly to see if your baby girl has arrived! can't wait...she already looks so beautiful in her ultrasound photos.
Looking forward to hearing of her arrival!
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