How far along? 37 weeks, 5 days!
Total weight gain/loss: up 20 pounds (and I don't even care)
Maternity clothes? yup, but I also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE wearing my husband's clothes!
Stretch marks? NONE (knock on wood)
Sleep: like a rock
Best moment this week: spending time with my family and having video time with my love!
Movement: she is practicing her hip checks and head banging and still acts like an animal when she hears her Daddy's voice so I replay voice mail messages over and over for her.
Food cravings: same 'ol, same 'ol . . love fresh fruit and salad
Gender: GIRL :-)
Labor Signs: my body is getting ready for our big day, that's for sure!
Belly Button in or out? in, but definitely getting less shallow.
What I am looking forward to: Dr. appts tomorrow and each phone call I get from 6,247 miles away.
Milestones: feeling ever so ready to meet our little "Bug" but love being pregnant so she can stay where she is until she is ready! The sooner she comes, the older she will be when Daddy gets to kiss her face off :-(
I feel so at peace with life right now knowing that God is in COMPLETE control!
now thats one hot mamma!
THANKS POPPY! Everything I do, is all for you :-)
look at you mama! you are too cute and ALL baby! praying for you baby Bell and Christopher's safety. keep her cookin!
You are looking great! Such a cute pregnant lady! Keeping you in our prayers. Heck the state of Tennessee is praying for you too! While we were in Bristol for the Nascar Race, the Raceway Ministries came around our campground and was asking for prayer requests and I told them about your situation and we prayed for you and your family right there!
Can't wait to see your new baby girl.
Lookin good! I wish I would've craved fresh fruit and salad. Chocolate Ice cream, anyone?
You look so cute, LOVE the hair looks great. I'm sure the toes do too. Love ya
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