Got an actual phone call from my amazing husband that was cut short due to the . . . . . fireworks in the background. He seems to be in high spirits and is looking forward to seeing the rest of his group arrive in about a week or so. I sent him another care package yesterday of a few things he requested and a few things that I thought would make him feel a little more at home. I'm trying to be a good wife, really, I am.
He sent a few more pictures that I added to the Ladybug Journey slide show above but here are a few of my favorites so far:

yay for one more month!!!! hopefully it FLIES!
the slideshow idea is so cute, i wish i would've thought of husband is less cooperative than yours though lol
I didn't really think he was going to do such a great job at taking the pictures but just when I feel down, WHAM . . another one in my inbox!
haha, I love the ladybug thing! I would love to have my husband do something similar, as I know the pictures would be hysterical!
That's soooo cute the lady bug traveling with him! J* has a very tiny little moose with him that has gone on some missions with him.
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