Monday, May 5, 2008

Question of the day!

We need your help in figuring something out. What color are these shoes?

As you can see . . .

I placed that same shoe next to a black one just to make sure that you were seeing the correct color and also notice that both pictures of shoes are placed on a BLACK chair! I almost wet my pants when asking my future hubby what he was going to wear to the rehearsal dinner. He states that the shoes in the above picture are chocolate brown and when placed next to a black shoe . . . they are black but to humor both of us please just let me know what color shoes are in the top picture. Thanks!


Travis,Stephanie, Olivia & Alex said...

I say black via computer pic but if looking at them upclose maybe something else ?? but black for now :)

Nana & Papa Schwab said...

To me they are black, but to a man they may be brown or white or whatever color he needs!!!!!

Kelly Glupker said...

I think they are a verrry dark brown that almost makes them look black. :)

Pam said...

I say black too, but things may look different to a man....could be navy to him :)